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8 Talks That Will Inspire Change, Growth, & Self-Discovery

As the leaves change their hues and the air turns crisp, fall ushers in a season of transformation and introspection. It’s the perfect time to seek inspiration and motivation to embrace change and embark on new journeys. What better way to do so than by tuning into some uplifting and insightful talks?

We’ve linked up eight of our favorite inspirational talks from the Our Turtle House App that are sure to ignite your autumn spirit and help you make the most of this beautiful season. These inspirational talks offer valuable insights to help you navigate our own journeys of change, growth, and self-discovery. Whether it’s letting go of the past, cultivating happiness, embracing the unknown, fostering resilience, or finding beauty in imperfection, these talks will remind you that autumn is not just a season; it’s a state of mind. 

So, take a few moments to listen, reflect, and be inspired to make the most of this enchanting time of year.

(Hint: If you don’t have the app, download a free 7-day trial here to listen.)

1. Don’t Limit Your Limitless God
by Al Carraway

Who is God to you? Is He a “good God” only when He gives you what you want? What about those times when you pray for something and it feels like your words fall on deaf ears?

In this inspiring talk, Al Carraway shares how to transform your view of a limiting God into a view of a limitless God. She shares her vision of a loving God who is waiting and eager to walk with you through endless spiritual discovery. You’ll come to see Him, His mission, and His love for you in a new light. Your understanding of who He is will never be the same!

Listen here.

2. Building God-fidence: Face Your Fears. Trust in Heaven.
by Eric Richards

There are plenty of things to be afraid of in this life – spiders, heights, public speaking – maybe even just raising your hand in class! So how do you build the type of confidence that not only helps you face your fears but also helps you feel more confident and sure of yourself?

Join Eric D. Richards as he talks about how to build a different type of strength that helps you see yourself as Heavenly Father sees you and gives you the spiritual strength to take on any challenge!

Listen here.

3. How Can I Help You See Your Value?
by Hank Smith

If you’re going to make an important life decision, it’s statistically made between the ages of 14-24 years old. Today Hank Smith’s purpose is to help youth recognize that:
1. They need our help.
2. They have our help.
3. They are so much more valued than they could ever imagine.

Listen here.

4. Enabled By All Means
by Meg Johnson

Whether it’s a big thing or a small thing, if that “thing” is important to us, it is important to our Heavenly Father.

Quadriplegic Meg Johnson helps us recognize all of the ways God enables us on a day-to-day basis. Though He may not always give us exactly what we ask for, we can be assured that He is always listening and He will always give us the means to accomplish what He knows is best for us.

Listen here.

5. The Main Thing: Keeping Your Eyes Focused on Christ
by John Bytheway

When Peter saw Christ walking on water, he wanted to walk on water too – and he actually did! He didn’t start to sink until he stopped focusing on the Savior. Join John Bytheway as he shares how keeping your focus on Christ will not only strengthen your faith, but will also help you weather any storm you have to face.

Listen here.

6. Joy is the Serious Business of Heaven
by Mary Ellen Edmunds

What makes you happy? Even if life feels overwhelming or out of control, there is a way to turn your frown upside down, even if your circumstances haven’t changed yet! Let Mary Ellen Edmunds help enable you to choose a little bit of happiness, each and every day.

Listen here.

7. The Promise of Encouragement
by Jason Hewlett

Did you know you have the power to change someone’s life with just a few words? There’s a catch though! Laugh and learn with comedian Jason Hewlett as he shows how you can put the COURAGE in enCOURAGE and start transforming others’ lives for the better.

Listen here.

8. Is God Disappointed in Me?
by Kurt Francom

You’ve made a mistake. Now what? As humans, we often resign ourselves to living in guilt or shame because we assume that God is disappointed in us. How different would our lives be if we were to shift our thoughts to recognize that God already knows we are imperfect humans doing exactly what His plan was designed for: learning.

Let Kurt Francom help you realize that God has never been disappointed in you. He has always been cheering you on, like any loving father does.

Listen here.

▶ To watch or listen to the talks, log in on the Our Turtle House App.

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